Call: DAAD
DAAD Scholarships 2023 for Research in Germany
[Deadline: 2023/04/03] The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Regional Office Tokyo is accepting applications for the DAAD scholarships “Research Grants – Short-Term Grants,” “Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists,” and “Re-invitation Programme for Former Scholarship Holders” until April 3, 2023. These scholarship programmes are for people who want to do research in Germany.
News: DFG
DFG to Fund 13 New Collaborative Research Centres
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is establishing 13 new Collaborative Research Centres (CRC) to further support top-level research in German universities. This was decided by the responsible Grants Committee in Bonn. The new CRCs will receive a total of approximately €166 million in funding for an initial four-year period as of 1 January 2023. This includes a 22 percent programme allowance for indirect project costs. Five of the new networks set up are CRC/Transregios, spread across multiple applicant universities.
Call: University of Cambridge / University of Bonn
The 1st Desirable Digitalisation Conference: Many Worlds of AI
[Deadline: 2022/12/31] The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (LCFI), the University of Cambridge, in collaboration with the Centre for Science and Thought (CST) at the University of Bonn, is organizing the 1st Desirable Digitalization Conference: Many Worlds of AI: Intercultural Approaches to the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence from April 26-28, 2023, at the University of Cambridge. The conference will be organized as a hybrid event. Proposals can be submitted until December 31, 2022.
Report: Panel Discussion
Diversity in Science – How to promote Inclusion & Empowerment in Japan
Why is diversity important? How is it discussed and promoted at Japanese universities? To answer this and other related questions, DWIH Tokyo (German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo) and OAG (German East Asiatic Society) hosted the panel discussion „Diversity in Science – How to promote Inclusion & Empowerment in Japan” on October 19, 2022 and welcomed 132 participants on site and online.
Call: OIST
Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program (TSVP)
[Deadline: 2022/09/30] The Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program (TSVP) was launched in June 2021, with the goal of bringing leading theoretical researchers to the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) for extended visits. In keeping with OIST’s interdisciplinary mission, the TSVP spans all theoretical sciences including, but not limited to, mathematics, theoretical physics, computational sciences, and theoretical life sciences.
DWIH Tokyo Interview
New Director: Axel Karpenstein
With the term of former director Dorothea Mahnke having ended in April 2022, Axel Karpenstein has succeeded her as new director of the DWIH Tokyo.
Call: ERC
ERC Starting Grants
[Deadline: 2022/10/25] The ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.
- DWIH Tokyo
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- 2018: Working Innovatively in a Digital World
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