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ReportGerman Federal Report on Research and Innovation 2024
The digitally published Federal Report on Research and Innovation 2024 provides comprehensive information on the research and innovation policy of the Federal Government and the German Länder. It presents the various elements of the German research and innovation system with facts and figures in a clear and up-to-date manner.
© DWIH Tokyo / Laura Blecken
Funding for university cooperationDAAD Project Funding (June 2024, central call for proposals)
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) promotes cooperation projects between German and international universities with various programs. Many of these can be used for joint research projects between German and Japanese universities. On June 12, the popular programs PPP and PAJAKO for cooperation with Japanese universities were announced as part of the central call for proposals.
© DWIH Tokyo
WebtalkDWIH Coffee Talk: The latest in research and innovation from Germany and Japan
The DWIH Coffee Talk is a series of one-hour web talks in which experts from Japan and Germany discuss in a relaxed atmosphere important topics related to the fields of innovation and research in both countries.
News: Artificial Intelligence
Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI)
Germany and Japan are founding members of the „Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence“ (GPAI) – a worldwide initiative to promote responsible and human-centered development and use of artificial intelligence.
© iStock
Karliczek in Japan: Focus on Artificial Intelligence
During her visit to Japan, the German Federal Minister of Research and Education puts AI and digitisation at the centre of political talks on research policy and future Japanese-German cooperation.
© iStock
Have Your Say: European Expert Group Seeks Feedback on Draft Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
On December 18, 2018, the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (appointed by the European Commission in June 2018) released the first draft of its “Ethics Guidelines for the Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence”.
- DWIH Tokyo
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