© DWIH/iStock.com/xavierarnau
Call: Scaler8 JapanFrom Tokyo to Germany: International Expansion Programmes for Start-Ups
Expand your business by applying to Scaler8 Japan’s international expansion programmes, which support high-potential start-ups in Tokyo to expand into Germany!
© iStockphoto
DWIH Tokyo funding for events in Japan
DWIH Tokyo offers financial subsidies to its Supporters for events in Japan. The events have to be organized or co-organized by the German institution (DWIH Tokyo Supporter).
© DWIH Tokyo / Laura Blecken
Funding for university cooperationDAAD Project Funding
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) promotes cooperation projects between German and international universities with various programs. Many of these can be used for joint research projects between German and Japanese universities.
© DWIH/iStock/Cecilie_Arcurs
Call: DFG, JSPS etc.Open Research Area for the Social Sciences Eighth Call for Proposals 2023
[Deadline: 2023/11/14, 23:00 CET] The eighth round of the Open Research Area (ORA) is based on an agreement between ANR (France), DFG (Germany), ESRC (the UK), and SSHRC (Canada). There is a possibility for cooperation partners in Japan to obtain a special funding from a Japanese funding agency. The scheme will provide funding for integrated projects by researchers coming from at least three of the four subscribing countries – in any combination of three or more countries.
© DAAD Tokyo / Kento Tamakoshi
Call: DAADScholarships for Germany (DAAD Scholarships)
[Deadline: depending on program] Interested in studying or researching in Germany? Various DAAD scholarships for individual researchers from Japan are now open for application!
© iStock
Call for internship offers: DAADRISE worldwide – host a German research intern at your institution in Japan!
RISE worldwide is starting the next round: For summer 2024 we are again asking for internship offers giving German undergraduate students the possibility to intern worldwide.
© DWIH Tokyo/iStock.com/tadamichi
Call: HIDAHelmholtz Visiting Researcher Grant
[Application Round:2023/08/16-10/15] Are you a doctoral researcher or Postdoc and your research has a strong link to the (applied) data and information sciences? The Helmholtz Visiting Researcher Grant offers doctoral students and postdocs the opportunity to do a fully-funded short-term research stay (1 – 3 months) at one of the 18 Helmholtz centers.
- DWIH Tokyo
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