© DWIH Tokyo / Dr. Jonas Fischer
DWIH Tokyo InterviewDr. Jonas Fischer
The Falling Walls Lab Sendai 2021 (FWL Sendai 2021), hosted by Tohoku University and co-hosted by the DWIH Tokyo, took place on August 31, 2021. We had a special interview with Dr. Jonas Fischer, an organiser from Tohoku University. He won the second prize with the presentation “Breaking the Wall of Energy-Efficient Data Storage” at the same event last year, in 2020. This year, he brought huge success to the event as an organiser. Meanwhile he works as a program coordinator at the Tohoku Forum for Creativity.
Event report
Falling Walls Lab Sendai 2021
The Falling Walls Lab Sendai 2021 international scientific communication event was held online August 31, 2021. Falling Walls Lab is a debate event for students and young researchers established by the Falling Walls Foundation in Berlin in 2009 on the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The event was co-sponsored by Tohoku University, the German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo), the Tohoku Forum for Creativity, and the Tohoku University Research Administration Center (URA Center).
Event report
Visualize Your Research
How can we visualize scientific data as a way of informative storytelling? The Summer Series “Visualize Your Research” – a joint event of DWIH Tokyo and DWIH New York from June 22 to August 21, 2021 – addressed this and other questions. Students from the US, Germany and Japan had the opportunity to expand their knowledge in data visualization, to learn about applications to their own research and to build an international network.
© DWIH Tokyo
InformationCOVID-19 infection prevention measures & limited office operations
In response to the declaration of a state of emergency in the Tokyo Area by the Japanese government, the German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo) is currently limiting its office operations. All our staff members are working from home. We regret that for the time being, we are unable to accommodate visits at our office and inquiries by phone.
© 理化学研究所 (RIKEN)
Call for proposals: RIKENRIKEN’s newest supercomputer for research against COVID-19
RIKEN is making a part of its new supercomputer Fugaku available, ahead of its original schedule, for research projects aimed to combat COVID-19.
© DWIH Tokyo/iStock.com/metamorworks
Call: Joint Call 2020 (EIG Concert-Japan)ICT for Resilient, Safe and Secure Society
[Deadline: 2020/07/17] The European Interest Group Concert-Japan announced the opening of its 7th joint call for proposals on the theme of ICT for Resilient, Safe and Secure Society.
© DWIH Tokyo
Report: Web Live TalkThe Future of Work in Industry 4.0 & Society 5.0
On 31 March, the DWIH Tokyo welcomed four panellists to its very first event held completely online. The interactive web talk enabled those watching to participate in the panel discussion by posting questions and comments. More than 150 viewers from Germany and Japan followed the web talk via the live stream on YouTube.
- DWIH Tokyo
- Topics
- 2024: Artificial Intelligence: Spotlight on People and Society
- 2023: The Resilient Society
- 2022: Sustainable innovations
- 2021: Society in transition – impacts of the pandemic
- 2020: Cities and Climate
- 2019: Artificial Intelligence
- 2018: Working Innovatively in a Digital World
- Autonomous Driving
- Nanotechnology
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