Integrated land use/transport models for carbon neutral strategies

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While most sectors of the economy have massively reduced emissions, transport emissions have remained almost unchanged for 30 years. Integrated land use and transport models can be used to investigate the impact of measures in land use or transport planning before they are implemented. Due to the high urgency of reducing emissions in the transport sector, it is of great importance to analyse measures such as decarbonization of transport, transit-oriented development, intensive densification in urban development, 15-minute neighbourhoods and the like for their environmental and social effects. Participation is free of charge, but limited to 25 participants to foster engaged discussions between presentations. Researchers interested in participating are encouraged to submit an abstract. Abstracts will be reviewed and evaluated in terms of fit for the symposium.


2024年9月24日, 09:30 から 16:30まで

主催者: ミュンヘン工科大学 School of Engineering and Design / 後援: DWIH 東京


