Deep Dive on German Energy and Transition and German Hydrogen Policies

The decarbonization of the industrial sector through greater reliance on hydrogen is one of the cornerstones of the national strategies of Japan and Germany to achieve climate neutrality. To further promote exchange in this field, the German Embassy and DWIH Tokyo hosted the discussion “Deep Dive on German Energy and Transition and German Hydrogen Policies” on March 1, 2023 at the Embassy Residence in Tokyo. Dr. Felix Chr. Matthes (Öko-Institut – Institute for Applied Ecology) presented the keynote lecture, which was followed by a commentary by Prof. Dr. Takao Kashiwagi (Tokyo Institute of Technology) as well as questions from the audience.
In introducing the German Strategy on Hydrogen Policies and Energy Transition, Dr. Matthes drew a picture of the next steps towards the German goal of carbon-neutrality by 2045. We are at a turning point right now, said Dr. Matthes: “The year 2023 will be the year when in Germany the paperwork of hydrogen strategies will start to turn into billions of investments”.
Dr. Matthes emphasized that the hydrogen ramp-up is the most complex new strategy in the transition to climate neutrality because of the need to build complete new value chains and its significant international dimension. The discussion with Prof. Takao Kashiwagi and the audience addressed the usage of blue hydrogen, the hydrogen supply chain in Japan and the role of the industry sector in the energy transition among many other topics. What can we expect from the hydrogen and energy market in 15 years? Should and could hydrogen replace city gas completely? And if so, what will the process of replacing necessary facilities look like? Prof. Kashiwagi concluded that due to the fast and always changing nature of transitioning and innovation, solutions will need reconsideration and adaptation as often as possible.
The event was kindly supported by the German Japanese Energy Partnership, the German Japanese Energy Transition Council and the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Event recording

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Report: Heleen Rip (Intern DWIH Tokyo)
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