6G - Potential for Japanese-German cooperation

The future mobile communications standard 6G is set to become an important topic for Japanese-German cooperation in the next ten years. Japan shows strong interest in collaborating on 6G research with international partners who share similar values and state secretaries of the Japanese MIC (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications ) and German BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) discussed about a possible research cooperation between the two countries in October 2021.
Current Research & Roadmaps
You can find compiled information about the Japanese 6G research landscape and ongoing Japanese-German cooperation in this overview by the German Embassy Tokyo.
6G (Beyond 5G): Forschung in Japan – Zusammenarbeit mit Deutschland (in German)
In this article, Japanese journalist Toru Kumagai explores the German research landscape and political roadmaps on 6G
www.dwih-tokyo.org/ja/2021/12/02/6g_beyond5g/ (in Japanese)
Registrations are now open for the online symposium “Future Communication Technologies: Beyond 5G and 6G” (Feb 17, 2022) held by JDZB.
In Japan 6G is an prerequisite for the realisation of Society 5.0. At the hybrid event Beyond 5G International Conference 2021, in November 2021, State Minister Yusuke Nakanishi (MIC) explicitly referred to a desired cooperation with value partners in the USA and Europe in his opening speech.
At the same conference, Dr. Ina Schieferdecker, Director General of the BMBF held a keynote about German roadmaps for 6G research. You can listen to her speech below (English with Japanese subtitles).
6G in Germany – Prof. Dr. Ina Schieferdecker (BMBF)

To play the video, click the thumbnail. Once activated data will be transmitted to the respective provider. Watch on YouTube
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