DAAD Green Hydrogen Fellowships

[Deadline: depending on degree] Both Japan and the European Union have committed to climate neutrality by the end of 2050. With the DAAD Green Hydrogen Fellowships, the DAAD are looking for young talents in Japan who are interested in study, research or internship in Germany.
If you are a Master student, the DAAD can provide a scholarship for your
– Degree study or exchange semester
– Master thesis
– Internship
If you are a PhD student, the DAAD can support you for your
– Research stay
– Internship
If you are a Postdoc, the DAAD can offer you a fellowship for your
– Research stay
The funding is open for any topics related to green hydrogen. For PhD students and PostDocs, applications can be submitted anytime. Applications for Masters students can be submitted anytime from February 12 until April 10, 2024.
You can also join the thematic working groups – production, transport and infrastructure, market stimulation as well as cross-cutting issues – to enjoy professional exchange with other peers and experts from academia, industry and governmental organisations. Build your own international network on green hydrogen!
More information:
1) incoming MA, PhD und Postdoc (from abroad (incl. Japan) to Germany): https://www2.daad.de/deutschland/stipendium/datenbank/de/21148-stipendiendatenbank/?status=&origin=&subjectGrps=&daad=&intention=&q=green%20hydrogen&page=1&back=1
2) outgoings (from Germany to abroad): https://www2.daad.de/ausland/studieren/stipendium/de/70-stipendien-finden-und-bewerben/?status=&target=&subjectGrps=&intention=&daad=&q=gr%C3%BCner%20wasserstoff&page=1&back=1
Last, but not least: The DAAD organises annual Research Tour for international PhD students and postdocs to visit renowned German research institutions on green hydrogen. Join the tour to gain first-hand information in German hydrogen landscape and exchange your ideas with experts worldwide!
Do you want to be part of the Green Hydrogen Community? Please find more information on the website: ERA Fellowships – Green Hydrogen – DAAD
The DWIH Tokyo newsletter provides timely information about open calls and events from research and innovation in Germany and Japan:Click here to register for the newsletter in English
Updated on: April 16, 2024