Space up your Life – Innovations for a smarter Earth and Space

[Deadline: 2024/05/02] INNOspace Masters is an international innovation competition organised by the German Space Agency at DLR in cooperation with ESA, Airbus and OHB. Launched in 2015, it is open to companies of all sizes, start-ups, research institutions and universities, as well as individuals from all over the world.
The Goal
The competition promotes ideas for the transfer of technology and expertise from other industries to the space sector (spin-ins/New Space) or from space to non-space sectors (spin-offs) in order to set new impulses for the next space generation in Germany and Europe.
The Reward
Winners of the INNOspace Masters 2024 Challenges will embark on a tailored journey to turn their idea into a real innovation project or business by getting
• Access to capital and funding
• Support from research and market specialists
• the Chance to co-innovate with world market leaders
• Access to premium networks in Germany and Europe
to shape the future of space in Germany and Europe!
The Challenges
The competition offers five different challenges to participate in. Each challenge covers a wide range of topics and focuses on a different stage of technological maturity – from applied research to market-ready solutions. The 2024 challenges are:
DLR Challenge
Applied Research for Disruptive Innovation
ESA BIC Challenge
Join the New Space Economy
ESA BA Challenge:
Space for every Industry
Airbus Challenge
Boosting Commercialisation for a Green Space
OHB Challenge
Shape Space for a better Future
The Application
Submission is open from February 15 until April 23, 2024.
More information:
The DWIH Tokyo newsletter provides timely information about open calls and events from research and innovation in Germany and Japan: Click here to register for the newsletter in English
Updated on: May 1, 2024