Key results, lessons learnt and perspectives of the German-Japanese Energy Transition Council in the light of the Corona Crisis

On Thursday, 2nd July 2020, from 10:00-11:30 German time (17:00-18:30 Japanese time) the German-Japanese Energy Transition Council (GJETC) will be presenting final results of the 2nd phase of the GJETC (2018-2020) along with the policy recommendations derived from the reports in it’s first Online-Seminar.
Event Information
July 2, 2020, 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Organizer(s): Wuppertal Institut, IEE Japan, ECOS, Hennicke Consult
Language: English
Costs: free of charge (no limit to participants)
Aside from the 2 core topics of the 2nd phase “Hydrogen Society” and “Digitization & Energy Transition”, the working groups have prepared input papers in bilateral cooperation between the respective GJETC experts on numerous issues:
- Energy Efficiency in Buildings
- Long-term Scenarios and Review Mechanisms
- Transportation & Sector-Coupling
- Integration Costs of Renewable Energy Sources
In addition, a special spotlight will be put on the topic “energy transition and the corona crisis”. The Co-Chairs of the GJETC Prof. Peter Hennicke and Prof. Masakazu Toyoda will give will give insight on the German and Japanese view on this topic.