Freie Universität Berlin

Founded in the year 1948 in what was then West-Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin today is one of the biggest and most renowned research institutions in Germany.
More than 32,000 students and 4,000 doctoral students study and teach at eleven faculties, providing a unique variety of humanities and social sciences as well as natural and life sciences. Additionally, Freie Universität Berlin hosts three interdisciplinary institutes, various graduate schools and co-hosts the Berlin Medical School Charité-Universitätsmedizin in collaboration with Humboldt-Universität Berlin.
Its strong academic reputation and excellence has been further expanded since 2007, when Freie Universität became one of the German Universities of Excellence. The strategic concept of expanding its status as an International Network University is proof of the immense value placed on international connections in research and teaching. Freie Universität Berlin has established a global network of liaison offices in Cairo, Moscow, São Paulo, New York, Peking, Brussels and New Delhi, and works intensively across the globe. With over a third of its doctoral students coming from abroad and more than 600 international visiting scholars per year, Freie Universität is one of the most internationally recognized German research institutions.
Japan is one of the most important partner countries for Freie Universität Berlin: in addition to comprehensive agreements with eleven universities in Japan, there are five connections on the departmental level as well as a trilateral agreement with the Japanese National Institute of Natural Sciences and the Helmholtz-Zentrum für Materialien und Energie (Helmholtz-Centre of Materials and Energy). Furthermore, Freie Universität Berlin maintains close links with Japanese universities through its Graduate School of East Asian Studies, the Institute of Japanese Studies, and several areas of natural and social sciences as well as humanities. As an associated supporter at the DWIH Tokyo, Freie Universität Berlin will further expand its activities in and with Japan.