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DWIH Tokyo 22. März 2022 um 10:35Die Deutsche Botschaft Tokyo hat Informationen zur japanischen Impfkampagne und Forschung zu SARS-CoV-2 zusammen gestellt. Die Übersicht fasst die aktuelle Situation wie folgt zusammen:Mehr
DWIH Tokyo 9. Juli 2021 um 18:19July 09, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] The results of a survey published on April 7, 2021 by the German Association for Information Technology (Bitkom) have attracted a great deal of attention in European academic and business circles. This is because the results of the survey clearly showed that the Covid-19 pandemic, which has been ravaging the world since the spring of 2020, has accelerated the digitization of German industry.Mehr
DWIH Tokyo 9. Juli 2021 um 18:19July 09, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] The results of a survey published on April 7, 2021 by the German Association for Information Technology (Bitkom) have attracted a great deal of attention in European academic and business circles. This is because the results of the survey clearly showed that the Covid-19 pandemic, which has been ravaging the world since the spring of 2020, has accelerated the digitization of German industry.Mehr
DWIH Tokyo 2. Juli 2021 um 11:47Die Deutsche Botschaft Tokyo hat Informationen zusammen gestellt zu COVID-19: Impfkampagne und Forschung in Japan. Die Übersicht fasst die aktuelle Situation wie folgt zusammen:Mehr
DWIH Tokyo 1. Juli 2021 um 15:15July 01, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] BioNTech is an example of one of Germany's most successful start-up companies, with a record that will go down in history. The company was the first in the world to receive approval for its COVID-19 vaccine, and it is saving millions of lives. BioNTech is a shining example of what in German is known as a Mittelstand, or a medium-sized enterprise. It illustrates how long years of medical research at a university can come to fruition in a venture start-up that will produces a product of vital importance for humanity.Mehr
DWIH Tokyo 1. Juli 2021 um 15:15July 01, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] BioNTech is an example of one of Germany's most successful start-up companies, with a record that will go down in history. The company was the first in the world to receive approval for its COVID-19 vaccine, and it is saving millions of lives. BioNTech is a shining example of what in German is known as a Mittelstand, or a medium-sized enterprise. It illustrates how long years of medical research at a university can come to fruition in a venture start-up that will produces a product of vital importance for humanity.Mehr
DWIH Tokyo 18. Juni 2021 um 16:56The Corona crisis has affected societies in Japan and Germany in many ways. In addition to the health consequences, the pandemic also brings with it significant social and psychological effects such as unemployment and growing poverty, depression, loneliness, and conflicts in the home environment.Mehr
DWIH Tokyo 18. Juni 2021 um 16:56Die Corona-Krise hat die Gesellschaften in Japan und Deutschland in vielerlei Hinsicht getroffen. Neben den gesundheitlichen Folgen bringt die Pandemie auch erhebliche soziale und psychische Auswirkungen mit sich wie Arbeitslosigkeit und wachsende Armut, Depression, Einsamkeit und Konflikte im häuslichen Umfeld.Mehr
DWIH Tokyo 16. Juni 2021 um 14:36June 16, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] The ongoing COVID-19 crisis that began in spring 2020 is significantly changing how people work in Germany and Japan. The pace of digitalisation, the shift to working remotely, the spread of artificial intelligence (AI), and the adoption of robots are all accelerating. In particular, in Germany the idea that telecommuting should be retained as one working arrangement even after the COVID-19 crisis is over is a powerful one. Moreover, with the further spread and propagation of the oncoming Fourth Industrial Revolution (the so-called “Industry 4.0”), expanding telecommuting beyond the companies in the financial services and information technology (IT) sectors into manufacturing industry is becoming an important issue.Mehr
DWIH Tokyo 16. Juni 2021 um 14:36June 16, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] The ongoing COVID-19 crisis that began in spring 2020 is significantly changing how people work in Germany and Japan. The pace of digitalisation, the shift to working remotely, the spread of artificial intelligence (AI), and the adoption of robots are all accelerating. In particular, in Germany the idea that telecommuting should be retained as one working arrangement even after the COVID-19 crisis is over is a powerful one. Moreover, with the further spread and propagation of the oncoming Fourth Industrial Revolution (the so-called “Industry 4.0”), expanding telecommuting beyond the companies in the financial services and information technology (IT) sectors into manufacturing industry is becoming an important issue.Mehr
[Plenary session: AI & COVID-19] How do 🇫🇷, 🇩🇪, and 🇯🇵 leverage #AI systems to fight against #COVID19 and how could AI help us to prevent and face future pandemics? フランス、ドイツ、日本は #新型コロナウイルス と戦うためにAIをどう活用しているのでしょうか? #AI_FrGeJp https://t.co/O40lNYbMlGMehr
9月9日に開催されたDIJ DWIHウェブフォーラム「Economic Policy Responses to the #Covid19 Crisis in the Euro Area and Japan」のプレゼンテーション資料が公開されました。 参加された方もできなかった方も、以下のツイートのリンクからぜひ一度チェックしてみて下さい! @dij_tokyo https://t.co/DfaH3t8pk5Mehr
DIJ DWIHウェブフォーラム「Economic Policy Responses to the #Covid19 Crisis in the Euro Area and Japan」は本日日本時間19時から開催されます。お申込みされた方はお忘れなく! @dij_tokyo https://t.co/voXPHUagurMehr
9月9日19時~開催のDIJ DWIHウェブフォーラム「Economic Policy Responses to the #Covid19 Crisis in the Euro Area and Japan」へのお申し込みは明日まで、メールにて参加を受け付けております💡 https://t.co/LPKm8ghFNT @dij_tokyo https://t.co/q5jrMBtgJBMehr
RT @EUinJapan: EUの首脳たちは21日、#新型コロナウイルス 危機からの経済再生を図る7,500億ユーロ規模の #復興基金 と、2021年~2027年のEU長期予算について、併せて総額1.82兆ユーロを超える包括的な施策に合意した🇪🇺💶 #COVID19 #EUi…Mehr
RT @webertweets: [DIJ Tokyo] Warum haben Japan und Deutschland unterschiedlich auf die #COVID19-Krise reagiert? @stenweber vom @dij_tokyo b…Mehr
RT @DAADTokyo: Informationen zum #Coronavirus / #COVID-19 (für Deutsche in Japan) https://t.co/QumkggcUGOMehr
世界中で感染が広がっている #コロナウイルス #COVID19 ですが、検査には容易さや早さ、正確さが求められます🧪🩺 #ドイツ におけるコロナウイルス検査への取り組みに関する詳細は、ドイツ診断産業協会(@VDGH)のレポート(ドイツ語)をご覧下さい。 https://t.co/aHATB8Kvkj @BMG_Bund @rki_deMehr